All praise be to Him Who has regarded the acknowledgement of the failure to thank Him properly as showing him gratitude.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

All praise be to Him Who has regarded the acknowledgement of His favors as praise.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

abstinence from harming people is a part of the perfection of mind- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

guiding the seeker of counsel is a fulfillment of the rights of graces- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

investment of the property is the perfect personality- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

compliance with the men of authority (namely the sinless Imams, peace be upon them) is the perfect dignity- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

adherence to the ethics of the scholars improves intelligence- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Sitting with the virtuous ones urges virtue- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Accept the apology of him who reviled at you from your right side, then turned to your left to make an apology.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Do favor to everybody who asks for it,if he deserves it,thenyou have hit the target,otherwise youhave become one of people of favors~ASEJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Looks of mutual affection and amiability between the believers is a sort of worship.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

God certainly dislikes the stingy that asks others importunately.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Whoever disregards this world will look upon its misfortunes as ineffectual and will not hate it.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

You should know that he whoever longs for Paradise dashes to the good deeds and forgets the passions.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

The abstinent are those who betake the land of God as mat, dust as bed, rocks as pillow, water as odor.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Be with those who abstain from (chasing) the worldly pleasures and desire for the (permanent bliss of the) life to come.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Line up with the sons of the life to come and do not be the sons of this world.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Many are those whom are trapped by favors and graces that they receive.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Many are those whom are swindled by the firm covering up (of their sins).- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Many are those whom are deceived by commendation.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

God says: O son of Adam, avoid acting matters that I have deemed forbidden and you will be the most pious of people.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

God says: O son of Adam, satisfy yourself with that which I have given to you and you will be the most abstinent of people.-Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

The relation of patience to faith is same as the relation of a head to a body.On that account, the impatient are faithless.- Imam A-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

The ignorant (of a certain question) should not be too shy to learn.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

The servant (of God) should fear nothing except his sins and hope for nothing except his Lord.- Imam AS-SEJJAD

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)