God likes the bashful, the indulgent, the chaste, and the seeker of chastity.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Receive people with the best things with which you like to be received.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Had those who do not settle others’ needs known the reality of their deed, they would have settled every need.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Had the beggars realized the reality of beggary, they would not have begged for anything.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Laziness injures both the worldly and the religious affairs.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

God gives this worldly pleasures to whom He likes and whom He dislikes equally; but He gives the religion to whom He likes only.-AlBaqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

God protects the faithful against the worldly temptations like physicians who protect their patients.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

God arranges hardships for the faithful servant like the traveler who arranges presents for his people.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

He who realizes that the favors that he has done were, first of all, for his good will not expect people’s gratitude.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

He who doubles the favor is regarded as thankful, and he who thanks is regarded as generous.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

He who does the like of what was done to him is rewarding properly.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Seek God’s help and He will help you.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

You will soon be the missed beloved and the soulless body.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Never regard the incomplete living every pleasure of which approaches you to death and draws you near your expiry.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Where are those whose ages were longer than ours and hopes were greater than ours?- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

People of this world are travelers who open their luggage in other world.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

You will not receive a new day of the age unless after the expiry of another.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

O people! You are targets of the death in this world.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

If the killer of Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) deposits with me a trust, I will surely keep it for him.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Abide by piety, diligence, honesty, and fulfillment of the trusts of the charitable as well as the sinful.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

He who describes the right course for people while he takes the other will be the most regretful on the Day of Resurrection.-Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Falsehood is to accuse your brother of a character that he does not have.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

It is a sort of backbiting to mention your brother’s defects that God has concealed.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

No one will be saved from committing sins before he seals his tongue.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

You should seal your tongues as you seal your money.- Imam Al-Baqir

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)